Background Video

posted 10 years ago

Full screen background image sliders are rather 2000-and-late. Here are the steps for ambient background video. To start, install ffmpeg.

$ brew update
$ brew install ffmpeg --with-libvpx --with-libvorbis --with-fdk-aac

Most of the ffmpeg command options are taken from this Mediacrush article with the exception of the mp4 option -profile:v baseline which actually corrupts the video for Chrome.


You need an mp4 format video to play on safari. Here's a script to do that.


  # quality over speed
  -preset slower

  # skip audio

  # chrome needs even dimensions
  -vf 'scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2'

  # html5 wants yuv420p pixel format
  -pix_fmt:v yuv420p

  # use libx264 as video codec
  -c:v libx264

  # set constant rate factor, lower is better quality
  -crf 18

ffmpeg -i "$1" "${params[@]}" "$2"

To convert.

$ video-mp4 input.ext output.mp4

The program takes any format ffmpeg accepts, which is basically all of them.


To avoid depending on flash for firefox, include a webm format.


  # quality over speed
  -preset slower

  # skip audio

  # chrome wants even dimensions
  -vf 'scale=trunc(in_w/2)*2:trunc(in_h/2)*2'

  # html5 wants yuv420p pixel format
  -pix_fmt:v yuv420p
  # use vp8 video encodings
  -c:v libvpx

  # sets the target bitrate to 2 MB/s (affects file size)
  -b:v 2M

  # set constant rate factor, lower is better quality (affects file size)
  -crf 5

ffmpeg -i "$1" "${params[@]}" "$2"

And to convert.

$ video-webm input.ext ouput.mp4


Install use dfcb/BigVideo.js to render the video as a background.

$ bower install --save BigVideo.js

Include the scripts.


Use the big video package supplying the videos created above.

$(function() {
    var BV = new $.BigVideo({ useFlashForFirefox: false })
      { type: 'video/mp4', src: '/assets/background.mp4' },
      { type: 'video/webm', src: '/assets/background.webm' }
    ], { ambient: true })

The big video projects notes that mobile browsers don't allow auto-play. They suggest to use modernizr with a fallback full screen image.


The video will have padding without a css reset. The background should also start with a black background to indicate a video should be loading.

$ bower install --save normalize-css

Include the stylesheet.


Big video also writes an error message before it loads, so keep the font unreadable in the body tag and make the relative view have visible font. If the main wrapper container isn't relative it will be behind the video.

body {
  background: #000;
  color: #000;

.view {
  position: relative;
  color: #fefefe;

That's it. Looping background video.